Our Goals

Through determination and passion, we will succeed!

To fly to 45,000 ft.

The main aim of the MARS/FAR Challenge is to fly a rocket to 45,000 ft - no more, and no less. We intend to do exactly that.

To learn as much as possible.

We strive to learn all we can about rocketry, preparing for careers that could take us literally out of this world. We require no prior knowledge to join -- just bring passion!

To research new technologies.

To build a bi-liquid-propellant rocket, we must use state-of-the-art technology like metal 3D printers. We will even need to turn to research papers to develop our own tools.

To have fun.

There's nothing quite like listening to music and hanging out with friends while you launch a rocket nine miles into the sky. Need we say more?

Our Subteams

Avionics, Propulsion, Structures, and Business

PARSEC is split into four different subteams. The subteams allow easier communication between different projects and facilitates a culture and an environment of ownership.